December 1, 2006

The Browns Are The Next AIDS

No Amount of Drugs Can Save You

Post-Traumatic Browns Disorder. Anyone ever heard of it? Nope? Thats because it's a newly forming disease that needs to be looked into by the Center for Disease Control. Every decade has had it's new devastating disease. Well folks, we may have a blooming epidemic on our hands in Northeast Ohio. This mental illness has already affected our very own Spergon Wynn's Dad, and even more recently has claimed Browns RT Ryan Tucker. Tucker left the Browns for the year with what is being called a treatable mental illness...yea treatable through trade or free agency. How am I the first person to mention this possible epidemic. How many former Browns players can logically blaim their horrid performance while in Cleveland to PTBD? I mean their are some obvious ones, from William Green to Gerard Warren to Bill Belichchick, but how many lesser known players and fans have/are suffering from this illness?

1 comment:

Mark Price is God said...

Gary Baxter talked about how the Browns were cursed this preseason righ after Bentley's injury. He said hes never been injured in his life and comes here and gets injured. He even wondered if there was some kind of karma working against the Browns.